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Armthorpe Lights in the Sky
Bizarre Doncaster: Animal Stories
Bizarre Doncaster: Earthquakes
Bizarre Doncaster: Floods
Bizarre Doncaster: Ghosts and Hauntings
Bizarre Doncaster: Kids catch mayor speeding
Bizarre Doncaster: Shotgun Wart Removal
Bizarre Doncaster: Sporting Strangeness
Bizarre Doncaster: Strange Folk
Bizarre Doncaster: The Sex Pistols and Doncaster
Bizarre Doncaster: The Windham Monoplane Debacle
Bizarre Doncaster: UFOs and Aliens
Bizarre Doncaster: Woman steals safe between legs
Doncaster Traffic Warden tickets Doncaster Traffic Warden!
Lights in the Sky: May 2004
The 1966 Conisbrough UFO Photograph
The Cusworth Big Cat Story
The Miracle of Robert Leche
The Stainforth Bridge Ghost

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