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Doncaster Features: Bizarre Doncaster: Floods

Doncaster and it's environs have always seen floods as the most likely of all natural phenomena, and hard experience and the good old British weather have proved this.

The most recent floods have perhaps recently brought home that climate change could really be affecting our region.

These are the floods we have records of, if you know of any others, please do let us update this record here:

2007-06-25 Doncaster sees floods hit Toll Bar, Bentley and flood risks at several other places. Prince Charles visits the aftermath.

2000-11-07 Sprotborough heavily flooded by the Don.

1982-01-05 Flooding in Doncaster.

1947-03-19 Widespread flooding in Bentley, Arksey, and Doncaster by the River. To alleviate flooding in Sheffield, the next day lock gates were opened sending a bigger surge down the Don, causing heavier flooding as far as Toll Bar. It took over a week for the waters to subside.

1941-10-01 Flooding in Doncaster. Highest recorded levels of River Don.

1932-05-23 The River Don floods Bentley and Toll Bar up to a reported 10 feet deep in places.

1931-06-14 Warmsworth flooded after heavy storm, Tenter Lane under 2 feet of water.

1886-05-04 Serious flooding in Doncaster, the level reached was estimated at 11.5 ft above normal for the River Don.

1861-02-08 CW Hatfield reports in his Historical Notices of Doncaster of 1868, that the Don was inundated from up the River down to the Humber on this terrible day.

1856-12-03 Widespread flooding south of Doncaster and also from the River Don across the Arksey, Thorne, areas.

1854-01-28 Heavy flooding in Marsh Gate Doncaster - nearly everywhere inundated.

1697-12-17 Terrible flooding from huge snow melt all areas by the River Don. Great loss of livestock and all banks of the Don at Thorne destroyed.

1687-12 Records of "a report towards the end of the year when due to 'great rains' and high tides, large areas north of Doncaster (South Yorkshire) were flooded. Considerable destruction and damage to stored harvests."

1656 Great flood in Doncaster area, around River Don, Thorne, Fishlake, etc.

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