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Doncaster Features: The Stainforth Bridge Ghost

In early December in 1974 my friend Yvonne and myself were sat on the Don bridge wall in Stainforth chatting. It was about 8.00pm. As we were chatting we both froze as we noticed a ghostly figure in the not so far of distance, this figure appeared to get closer and closer, I cannot describe to this day how it moved, we just new it was getting closer.

We got very scared and ran like crazy over to Stainforth and to Yvonnes Nannas who lived in one of the squares. We discribed what had happened and what the ghost was wearing, a flat cap and big aron jumper.

Yvonnes Nanna then told us that on the spot where we saw him, there used to be an old travellers rest and the man who lived there used to wear a flat cap and a aron jumper. It still spooks me to go over that bridge even though today there are lots more trees in that place and view is restricted.

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