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Doncaster Features: Doncaster Mayors

4th May 2012

At the referendum in 2012 Doncaster voted 62% to keep the mayoral system and the post of mayor.

4th June 2009

Peter Davies of the English Democrats won beating Michael Maye, an independent with backing from the Liberal Democrats and Green Party, after second choice votes were counted.

5th May 2005

Martin Winter won re-election in 2005 on the day of the General Election against a split opposition.

3rd May 2002

Martin Winter was the first elected mayor of Doncaster, and an Independent.

20th September 2001

A referendum was held with a 65% YES vote to elect a mayor of Doncaster with a turnout of just 25%.

Prior to this mayors of Doncaster include

Gordon Gallimore, 1994-95
Alex Grimson, 1981
Gordon Gallimore, 1976-77
E. Scargill, 1939
Harry Herbert Bone, 1935
George Thomas Tuby, 1921-22
Henry Woodmansey, 1867
Richard Clark, 1865
Joseph Lockwood Jr, 1832
William Hurst, 1828
Joseph Lockwood Sr, 1823
John Pearson, 1816
Sir Bryan Cooke, 1761
William Mawhood, 1729
John Mawhood, 1710
John Mawhood, 1693
Hugh Childers, 1604
Edward Cooke, 1504-1508, hung at Tyburn

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