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Doncaster Features: Meet a Member: tismemick

This is the new feature that we're launching which is a monthly interview with one of our members. First up it's moderator tismemick:
1. How long have you been a Doncastrian?
Since Birth.

2. What job/work/effort do you do and what are you good at?
Full Time Parent.

3. What's your favourite smell?
Freshly Mown Grass on a dew covered meadow.

4. X Factor, Big Brother, or Strictly Come Dancing?

5. What do you like about Donny?
Its Website, lol.

6. What don't you like about Donny?
Its Mayor.

7. What's the greatest ever album?
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin.

8. Essential to life: coffee, vodka, cigarettes, chocolate, or...?

9. If you could demolish one building in Doncaster, which would you choose?
Frenchgate Centre, Replace with something that looks like a building.

10. The best thing you ever bought, stole, or borrowed?
Universal Remote Control Keychain, its hilarious in pubs etc.

11. What web sites do you like?

12. If you could take one person from history (living or dead) skating at The Dome, who would it be?
Maid Marion

13. Time travel: where, when and why?
Go back to my youth mid/late 80s, do all the lasses i should of done then, lol.

14. What do you have for breakfast?

15. What was the last movie you liked?
Die Hard 4.0 (love Diehard films)

16. Which is the best part of Christmas Day?
Watching kids expression when they open what they got.

17. Do you have faith?
No, but i had a lass called Faith a few years back, does that count.

18. Read a good book lately?
Nor really a reader of books.

19. What really annoys you?
Reality TV.

20. What do you want to say to Martin Winter?
When you gonna do the proper thing and admit to your mistakes?

Thanks Mick for the profile!

We're looking for new features, articles, and news stories written by budding Doncastrians - send to us here.

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