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Doncaster Features: Famous Doncastrian: Julia Mallam

Julia Mallam, 21, was born in Doncaster and studied at the National Youth Theatre in London. She has appeared in the Robson Green drama Take Me, Peak Practice, Fat Friends and John Thomson comedy Stan the Man.
Julia Mallam of Donny
Julia lives in Leeds and made her debut in 2003 as Dawn Hope, daughter of Woolpack regular Bob (Anthony Audenshaw), a few weeks ago.

But entering the soap on the arm of Bob's best pal Terry Woods (Billy Hartman) has made quite an impact. Tongues are wagging - and not just on screen.

Playing the bride-to-be of middle-aged Terry and even puckering up to Billy held no fears for Julia, who already has an impressive television CV for one so young.

Having started out in amateur drama, she joined the National Youth Music Theatre when she was 15 before switching to the National Youth Theatre at 16 and concentrating on acting.

Julia was all geared up to go Manchester University to study English and Drama when she went to an audition for a new TV drama. She went for the experience... and got the job as Robson Green's daughter in Take Me.

"I never thought I'd get it," Julia said. "I was just excited to get the audition. I only found out I'd got the part two days before I went to uni. They weren't best pleased but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"I was thrown in at the deep end. It was my first big job and I had a lot meaty scenes but Robson Green was really nice, took me under his wing. It was great. Everybody working on the production was amazing. I enjoyed it all the more because it was my first one."

The TV work has flowed ever since but she has resisted the temptation to take the money and run, holding out for jobs of good quality and serving behind the bar of a local pub whenever she has struggled to make ends meet.

Thanks to Dave, The Scotsman and Emmerdale Behind the Scenes

Julia Mallam Official Site

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