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Doncaster Features: Famous Doncastrian: Rob Hull

Doncaster collector enters Guinness Book of Records.
The new edition of the Guinness Book of World Records for 2012 includes a proud Doncastrian. Doncaster-based Rob Hull has over the years amassed the world's biggest collection of Dalek toys — but HATES Doctor Who. The 49-year-old has 571 models of the Time Lord's enemies, including a 6ft replica.

As a child he was refused one by his parents, so he started his huge collection when he was in his mid-20s, after seeing an advert offering the models for sale.

Rob said: "I've never been a fan but I've been enchanted by Daleks since I saw one in a toy store as a child. I remember when I was little I always wanted a Dalek. I haven't a clue what the collection's worth but it must be a lot. Most of them are limited editions and rarities."

He reportedly torments his long-suffering wife, Dawn, with the collection as it slowly overtakes their home and exterminates any sense of interior design aesthetic.

The extravagant buy has more than earned its keep, managing to raise money for Children in Need by entertaining crowds at supermarkets.

Mr Hull's children, Philip, 20, and Becky, 14, are also Dalek fans and have their own collections.

Hi wife Dawn said "I am not that keen on them. I'd rather they were not there, I'd rather have them in the garage. They think I'm crackers but it's his hobby."

The Guinness Book of Records also features for the first time a woman with an afro haircut so large it could fit the world's smallest man inside, the World's fastest wedding chapel (62mph), and a Las Vegas singer has the world's longest fingernails (a combined length of 19ft 9in).

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