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Doncaster Features: Doncaster Mining Disasters

CADEBY MAIN, Denaby, 9th July 1912
35 dead underground from am initial explosion, 53 dead from a second explosion underground during the rescue.

MALTBY MAIN, Maltby, 28th July 1923
27 dead underground from an explosion.

THORNE, 15th March 1926
6 dead in shaft fall after capstan broke.

BENTLEY, 20th November 1931
45 deaths underground from an explosion caused by spontaneous combustion of oxygen and heat in the seam.

HATFIELD MAIN, 12th December 1939
1 dead, 10 amputations, and 60 injured after major cage drop accident.

BULLCROFT MAIN, 19th October 1941
6 dead from a rescue team.

BARNBURGH MAIN, 24th April 1942
4 dead after earth tremor, 14 later rescued underground.

BARNBURGH MAIN, 26th June 1957
6 deaths underground from an explosion caused by a faulty cable igniting firedamp.

BENTLEY, 21st November 1978
7 deaths, 17 injured following train derailment underground. More on 1978 Bentley Colliery Disaster

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