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Doncaster Features: Doncaster Statistics Datafile

Area of the Borough of Doncaster in Hectares: 58,000

Kings Cross, minutes by train from Doncaster: 100

Number of visitors to the Dome per year: 1.5million

Vehicle theft per 1,000 of the population in 2003/2004: 5.6
Vehicle theft per 1,000 of the population in 2003/2004 national average: 5.0
Burglaries per 1,000 of the population: 1
Burglaries per 1,000 of the population national average: 1.5

Total spending per person in 2003/2004: £920
Total spending per person in 2003/2004 national average: £738.90
Percentage of Doncaster Town Centre shoppers aged under 45: 68%
Percentage of Shoppers to both the Yorkshire Outlet and Doncaster Town Centre who are female: 75%

Employees of Doncaster Council: 14,000+
People on the Doncaster Citizens Panel: 1,000
Number of council wards: 21
Council Tax Band D for 2003/2004: £1039.66
Council Tax Band D for 2003/2004 national average: £1114.24

Missed refuse collections in 2003/2004 per 100,000: 54
Missed refuse collections in 2003/2004 per 100,000 national average: 317
Percentage of broken streetlights: 0.7
Percentage of broken streetlights national average: 1.1
Number of calls to the aids helpline setup in 1998 during first 2 days: 430

Population of Doncaster: 286,865
Number of households: 121,000
Percentage of Doncaster population aged 0-19 (in 2001): 25.88%
Percentage of Doncaster population aged 20-34 (in 2001): 18.20%
Percentage of Doncaster population aged 35-49 (in 2001): 21.60%
Percentage of Doncaster population aged 50-64 (in 2001): 17.42%
Percentage of Doncaster population aged 65+ (in 2001): 16.36%

House price rise in Doncaster in 2001: 29%

Average weekly pay in Doncaster in 2001: £380.90
Industry average in 2001: £471.70

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